Friday, May 09, 2008

green green green NOT

Since finishing school I've quickly made the transition to full time at Ci (conscientious innovation) where we have just conducted a comprehensive study across North America to find out what 5000 people are thinking about sustainability (issues, values, barriers, motivations, etc.), the brands they buy and the messaging that comes with it. The most relevant finding (I think) is how people rate things that I consider to be very important in terms of how i live my life (global warming, organic food) on the lower end and things like balanced life and connection with family, friends are WAY up in the high 80's.

We are getting press!.. mostly local for now (Vancouver Sun, Vancouver Province), also a great story in Environmental Leader that headlines - Green Marketing Campaigns Not Sticking, and in Sustainable Brands that headlined - Why Your Green Marketing May Be Hitting the Mark. A press release is posted on Kierstin's blog with some additional insight.

I've been busy making all of this data visual.. looking at the likes of Edward Tufte and Richard Saul Wurman and Kevin Kelly. All say the same thing - "What changes the world is not information alone, but communication" - and "Understanding information is power". This means my job is not only about visualizing these loooooong data runs, but trying to relate it to real world pressures i.e. cultural relevance and dare I say... business opportunities.

!These images are © Conscientious Innovation Ltd. 2008. All rights reserved.

1 comment:

Sarah Hay said...

Ci SHIFT Report in Ad Age today!